John Porter Mayneord

John Porter was born October 1818 in Alderminster, Stratford on Avon.

He married Elizabeth Clarke in Kings Norton in 1841 they settled in Alderminster.

Elizabeth was born in Alveston, Stratford on Avon in 1818.

Their children were:-

Sarah Ann    born Dec. 1840

William    born Nov. 1843

Mary    born Sept. 1845

Harry    born March 1850 (died in Dec. 1851)

John Henry    born March 1852 (died in Feb. 1854)

Harriet  and Elizabeth (twins)  born June 1854 (died July 1854)

John Porter    born August 1856

By the 1861 census they were living in Redditch. John Porter died 1872 in Bromsgrove leaving Elizabeth as a widow.

In 1885 she married Charles Plail and went to live in Kent. She died in 1916 aged 98.

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