Elizabeth Maynard

Elizabeth was born around 1758/9 in Hampton in Arden.

She married William Robinson 13/06/1779 in Hampton in Arden.

Their children were:-

William baptised 28/05/1780 in Hampton in Arden

Elizabeth baptised 23/04/1782 Berkswell, Warwickshire.

Thomas baptised 06/08/1784 Berkswell, Warwickshire.

Mary baptised 13/06/1788 Berkswell, Warwickshire.

Joseph baptised 15/07/1792 Berkswell, Warwickshire.

Elizabeth died in 1797 and William married Ann Biddle 20/10/1798.

They had a daughter Elizabeth baptised 1799.

William died in 1843 and Ann died in 1852. 

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