Alfred Edward Maynard

Born 1892 in Stratford on Avon Alfred (Alf) was just old enough to serve in the 1st. World War and just young enough to serve in the 2nd. As far as I can remember he came through both unscathed except for the loss of one little finger. I knew him well as a “favourite uncle” – he always played the piano for us when he came to visit and once I got to about 13 and learned to play chess he would always play me a game. 

He married his first wife Gertie Billingham in March 1921 but she died in 1928. Their children were:-

Robert    Born Dec 1921

John  Born Sept 1923 (Died Sept 1924)

Ronald    Born Dec 1925

Dorothy  Born March 1927  (Died March 1929)

So the two sons Robert and Ronald were the children that survived and they lived in Handley Street, Wednesbury. For many years after the death of his wife, Alfred went round with his wife’s sister (Auntie Maude). In those days it was not legal to marry your wife’s sister. However, when they were both retired the law was changed and they finally married in 1956 and moved in together to a council bungalow at The Oval, Park Lane Estate, Wednesbury. Alfred died 23/08/1973.

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